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msb-test is a program that lets you exercise the various functions of the MSB, including reporting sensor data. IPC publishing must be enabled on the msb-server for msb-test to work. msb-test was written by Dirk Hähnel of Intel Research Seattle.


    Typical Usage

      msb-test -show

    Available Commands

      msb-test supports the following switch commands:
      -led <color> <on/off>       set led with color 'blue, green, or red' to value 'on' or 'off'
      -triled <color> <on/off>    set led in the tricolor LED with color 'blue, green, or red' to value 'on' or 'off'
      -lightshow                  start LED test
      -reset                      reset MSB
      -show-power                 show power messages
      -show                       show sensor readings
      -state <state>              sets state, which can be 'cease', 'start', 'query-led', 'query-schedule', 'query-calib', or 'reconnect'
      -schedule-info              print current schedule information
      -calibration-info           print current calibration information
      -shm                        print SHM stream bytes
      -stream                     print IPC stream data rate