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The logger is a program which integrates MSB, LSB, GPS, and Camera data into a single UWAR stream. It must be used if you're collecting data in the UWAR format with anything but the MSB.


    Typical Usage

      logger -ini logger.ini

      where msb.ini will typically contain:

      LOG_FILE          /mnt/mmc/msp-data/log.uwar
      LOG_TYPE          uwar
      LOG_SIRF_GPS      1
      LOG_LSB           1
      LOG_MSB2          1
      LOG_CAMERA        1
      LOG_MIC           1
      USE_SHM_MSB       1
      USE_SHM_LSB       1
      USE_IPC           0
      LOG_MAX_SIZE_KB   15000

    Available Commands

      In addition the msb-server also supports the following switch commands:
      -ini   specifies the configuration file to use


    logger.ini specifies which sensor streams to log, what type of log to create, how big each log file should be, and other miscellaneous options. The available options you can set in logger.ini are:
    Option Description
    LOG_FILE Specifies the initial log file name used when writing a log. Defaults to "msp-log-%d-%t".
    LOG_TYPE Sets the log type. This can either be "uwar" or "stream". Defaults to uwar.
    LOG_ON_START If set to 1, enables log writing on startup. Defaults to 1.
    LOG_MAX_TIME Maximum elapsed time per log file, in seconds. Defaults to 3600.
    LOG_MAX_SIZE Maximum log file size, in kilobytes. Defaults to 20 MB.
    USE_IPC If set to 1, enables listening for IPC messages. Must be enabled if LOG_POWER, USE_POWER, USE_LEDS is enabled.
    LOG_MSB2 If set to 1, logs MSB2 sensor data, excluding the microphone. If set, USE_SHM_MSB must also be set.
    LOG_MIC If set to 1, logs micrphone data. If set, USE_SHM_MSB must also be set.
    LOG_LSB If set to 1, logs LSB sensor data. If set, USE_SHM_LSB must also be set.
    LOG_SIRF_GPS If set to 1, logs the GPS byte stream. If set, USE_SHM_GPS must also be set.
    LOG_CAMERA If set to 1, logs the camera image stream.
    LOG_POWER If set to 1, logs battery and system voltage levels, plus the charging status. If set, USE_IPC must also be set.
    USE_SHM_MSB If set to 1, the MSB shared memory data stream is parsed. Must be set if LOG_MSB2 or LOG_MIC is set.
    USE_SHM_LSB If set to 1, the LSB shared memory data stream is parsed. If set, LOG_LSB must be set.
    USE_LED If set to 1, updates the MSB's LEDs to reflect the logging status. If set, USE_IPC must also be set.
    USE_POWER If set to 1, logs data only when the unit is not charging. Do not use with two batteries.