Setting up postGIS
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- Download postGIS source code from
- Extract and build
./configure make sudo make install
- Install the proj projection library from |
- Extract and build
./configure make sudo make install
- Install the GOES gemoetry engine from |
- Extract and build
[extract bzip2 -d filename] ./configure make sudo make install
- Install postGIS for Ubuntu from synaptic
- Create a DB in postgreSQL, and install postGIS
su postgres psql -h -W -d jobDB -U jobAdmin CREATE DATABASE "postgis" WITH OWNER = "jobAdmin" ENCODING = 'UTF8'; psql -d postgis -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3-postgis/lwpostgis.sql
- Add shape files to DB
-- moving_stop_gid: 1 - N (for every moving stop get 2x points) -- busstop_id: DB busstop id number -- nn_dist: distance from point to busstop in feet -- nn_gid: unique_id for busstop -- Query Detail: -- -- moving_stops are pauses in the trip as defined by the moving_stop shape file (example data trace) -- (pgis_fn_nn(b.the_geom, 1000, 2, 10, 'busstop', 'true', 'gid', 'the_geom')).* -- pgis_fn_nn(geom1 geometry, distguess double precision, numnn integer, maxslices integer, lookupset varchar(150), swhere varchar(5000), sgid2field varchar(100), sgeom2field varchar(100)) -- geometry (b.the_geom - busstop gemoetry field) -- distguess distance in feet (1000) from the specified point -- numnn number of matches to find (2 is number of bus stops to find per moving_stop, max data points to return) -- maxslices If you have a super large data set where your distguess is very large and you want a small set of points. You set this to be greater than 1 so you iterate over the distguess (disguess*1/maxslices to ... disguess*maxslices/maxslices). The larger this is the longer the query takes if it has to expand fully out to your distguess -- lookupset table that you want to search on (busstops) -- swhere true -- sgid2field unique_id name in busstops (gid) -- sgeom2field name of the geometry field (the_geom) SELECT g1.gid as moving_stop_gid, b.busstop_id, g1.nn_dist, g1.nn_gid FROM (SELECT b.gid, (pgis_fn_nn(b.the_geom, 1000, 20, 1, 'busstop', 'true', 'gid', 'the_geom')).* FROM (SELECT * FROM moving_stops) b) As g1, busstop b WHERE b.gid = g1.nn_gid ORDER BY moving_stop_gid ASC, nn_dist ASC; </mysql> * Can change distance to mahalanobis distance if needed