Inference code
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Creating Labeled UWAR Files
uwar_combine takes several .uwar files or a directory containing a single session and creates 1 contiguous UWAR file. It can also take a text label file and insert the labels as TAG items in the combined UWAR stream. Label files are of the form timestamp (in seconds), newline, string label:
0.000000 null 703.125000 null 884.375000 walk2 1000.000000 walk3 1074.218750 walk3 1250.000000 walk4 1601.562500 run1 1777.343750 walk1
Example Command: <bash>uwar_combine -scandir "001 MSB lab 1 - 100907/" -labelFile "001 MSB lab 1 - 100907/sub1-lab1-ms_resampled.txt" -out ./src_data/glen_sub001_lab1_combined.uwar</bash>
Creating ARFF Training Features files
You can run the inference engine without a classifier, specifying just the features (in the .XML configuration file) you would like to compute. When you use the -label command it the inference engine will read the TAG objects from the UWAR stream as labels for ground truth. Note that you must have a label in the UWAR stream every ~2137 seconds otherwise the inference engine will crash.
Example Command:
<bash>inference -xml generateFeaturesForTraining.xml -uwarin ./src_data/glen_sub001_lab1_combined.uwar -arffout ./trainingFeatures/glen_sub001_lab1_features.arff -label -silent></bash>