Inference code
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Creating Labeled UWAR Files
uwar_combine takes several .uwar files or a directory containing a single session and creates 1 contiguous UWAR file. It can also take a text label file and insert the labels as TAG items in the combined UWAR stream. Label files are of the form timestamp (in seconds), newline, string label:
0.000000 null 703.125000 null 884.375000 walk2 1000.000000 walk3 1074.218750 walk3 1250.000000 walk4 1601.562500 run1 1777.343750 walk1
Example Command: <bash>uwar_combine -scandir "001 MSB lab 1 - 100907/" -labelFile "001 MSB lab 1 - 100907/sub1-lab1-ms_resampled.txt" -out ./src_data/glen_sub001_lab1_combined.uwar</bash>
Creating ARFF Training Features files
You can run the inference engine without a classifier, specifying just the features (in the .XML configuration file) you would like to compute. When you use the -label command it the inference engine will read the TAG objects from the UWAR stream as labels for ground truth. Note that you must have a label in the UWAR stream every ~2137 seconds otherwise the inference engine will crash.
Example Command:
<bash>inference -xml generateFeaturesForTraining.xml -uwarin ./src_data/glen_sub001_lab1_combined.uwar -arffout ./trainingFeatures/glen_sub001_lab1_features.arff -label -silent></bash>
Example .xml training file:
Training Process
- Generate training features:
- infernce -xml generateFeaturesForTraining.xml -uwarin <file> -arffout <output> -label -slient
- Combine sub001 and sub006 to create our training set:
- perl ./training_bin/ <input file path> <input file base> <output file>
Generate Source .uwar files with Labels
./bin/uwar_combine -scandir "/projects/ubicomp3/glen/subject-tests/MSB-001/001 MSB lab 1 - 100907/" -labelFile "/projects/ubicomp3/glen/subject-tests/MSB-001/001 MSB lab 1 -
100907/sub1-lab1-ms.txt" -out ./src_data/glen_sub001_lab1_combined.uwar
./bin/uwar_combine -scandir "/projects/ubicomp3/glen/subject-tests/MSB-006/006 MSB lab 1/" -labelFile "/projects/ubicomp3/glen/subject-tests/MSB-006/006 MSB lab 1/s
ub6-lab1-ms.txt" -out ./src_data/glen_sub006_lab1_combined.uwar
./bin/uwar_combine -scandir "/projects/ubicomp3/glen/subject-tests/MSB-017/017 MSB lab 2 - 102207/" -labelFile "/projects/ubicomp3/glen/subject-tests/MSB-017/017 MSB lab 2 -
102207/sub17-lab2-ms.txt" -out ./src_data/glen_sub017_lab2_combined.uwar
Generate Features by running inference
Run the inference engine without a classifier model to simply output ARFF files containing computed features.
Create a training set
Combine the .arff files into a single training arff file:
Create the Class/ Not Class ARFF files
To train the boosted decision stumps classifier we need examples of Class and Not Class to feed the stumps classifier. performs this operation (using It will generate output files: <user prefix>PositiveClassName.arff
cd ./training_bin
perl ../src_data/train/sub001_sub006_features.arff ../src_data/train/trainSet_sub001_006__
cd ..
Train the Boosted Stumps Classifiers
Train the classifier using our Class/Not Class ARFF files: