Setting up postGIS
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- Download postGIS source code from
- Extract and build
./configure make sudo make install
- Install the proj projection library from |
- Extract and build
./configure make sudo make install
- Install the GOES gemoetry engine from |
- Extract and build
[extract bzip2 -d filename] ./configure make sudo make install
- Install postGIS for Ubuntu from synaptic
- Create a DB in postgreSQL, and install postGIS
su postgres psql -h -W -d jobDB -U jobAdmin CREATE DATABASE "postgis" WITH OWNER = "jobAdmin" ENCODING = 'UTF8'; psql -d postgis -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3-postgis/lwpostgis.sql
- Add shape files to DB
cd /projects/ubicomp99/postgis/bus/data # shp2pgsql -D myshape.shp mytable mytestdb | psql mytestdb # shp2pgdwl -s [washington coordinate plane] [shape file] [tablename] | psql -d [dbname] shp2pgsql -s 2926 Busstop busstop | psql -d postgis shp2pgsql -s 2926 routes busroute | psql -d postgis shp2pgsql -s 2926 moving_stops moving_stops | psql -d postgis