Step detection

From University of Washington - Ubicomp Research Page
Revision as of 10:03, 16 April 2008 by Laura Pina (talk | contribs) (Mills)

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There are many mills under the source directory The algorithm is using the following Mills in the order given:

MeanStdDevMill(outputs a smoothed magnitude)

LtiFilterMill (outputs derivative of the smoothed magnitude)

ZeroCrossingMill (outputs the zero-crossings of the smoothed magnitude using the derivative of it)

AccelIntervalsMill (outputs areas between zero-crossings)

WinThresholdMill (makes absolute thresholding and relative thresholding, given a window length )

WinMax (outputs the minimun and maximum for every window)


CVS checkout / export

To check out the latest code: <bash>cvs -d checkout msp_peak_detection</bash>

CVS tags

We're trying to keep our branch of msp reasonably in-sync with Intel Research Seattle's. That means we periodically merge in updates from the sourceforge repository maintained by Intel.

  • msp_peak_detection
  • msp_2008_02_05
  • pre-merge-1
  • merge-1
  • merge-2


msp_peak_detection is built the same way as other msp branches. <bash>cd msp_peak_detection/src ./configure # unless you're cross-compiling make cd inference make</bash> If you are cross-compiling, you'll first need to set the environment variable CROSS_COMPILE to the path to your cross-compiler and cross-binutils.

Old Matlab code